Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Which CoPT?

In the research and reading process on Communities of Practice Theory (CoPT) I came across a really interesting article by Andrew Cox written in 2005. Cox argues that there are actually four interpretations of CoPs: Lave and Wenger's original from 1991, Brown and Duguid's conceptualization from 1991, Wenger from 1998, and Wenger, McDermott and Snyder from 2002. A researcher or writer should situate his/her work in one of these four variations of CoP theory in order to properly establish and define CoP.

The paper provides a solid overview of the history and transformation of CoP theory. The author clear shows how Etienne Wenger has shifted from CoP as a learning theory to CoP as a managerial tool. While it is sometimes difficult to gain useful nuggets for industry from academic papers, this paper is a worthwhile read. It is essential to define, bound, and situate your CoP (or at least let the bottom up process define it). The Cox article provides some concrete distinctions which can help you understand the history and development of CoP.